• "5 gold stars for anybody who can 'splain why cups exists"

    18 Sep | 06
    • in Computers • 
    • by FozzTexx

    I found the quote above while searching for answers to getting CUPS to work. In the past, I've usually become so frustrated with CUPS that I uninstall it and hunt down the lpr/lpd package and put it on my system. lpr works , and works quite well. I believe CUPS came about as part of the time honored tradition of "It ain't broke but I'm too lazy to read the instructions, I think I'll reinvent the wheel." After setting up my new server I quickly discovered I could no...

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  • Ride 'em cowboy!

    11 Sep | 06
    • in Woodworking • 
    • by FozzTexx

    I made myself a nice set of knock-down fold-up sawhorses. These are modeled after a set my dad has had for a long time. He couldn't remember where he got them or who made them or anything, and after lots and lots of searching the internet to see if I could wrangle a pair for myself, I decided to see if I could make my own. Assembled saw horses I have been using some crummy sawhorses that were made from 2x4s and those hinged metal brackets that you nail/screw into the wood. They worked...

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  • Fast Traxx!

    13 Aug | 06
    • in Misc • 
    • by FozzTexx

    Seven may not think anything about the laser, but he's nutso for the Fast Traxx! I have no idea why I never tried it before, probably because it's been put away for so long and back at Wild Rye when I tried my big truck but there just wasn't enough room. But here at the new house it works great on the huge paved driveway! Seven is not afraid of it at all. He chases it insanely, and if it slows down for a second he bites it and picks it up. He kept flipping it over so I had to...

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  • I want to build an archive without filling my disk

    02 Aug | 06
    • in Computers • 
    • by FozzTexx

    I finally got the living room box rebuilt with a new MythTV which is compatible with my backend. Now I can see that the HDTV tuner card is really working. I also set it up to netboot, man what a difference! It's so quiet now without an HD inside it whining away. I discovered that KTXL is broadcasting their digital stream at 1280x720 and 60fps. No wonder my 866mhz P3 can't keep up and stutters trying to play it! The obvious thing to do is to transcode it down to a resolution that it can...

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  • TiVo definitely has no competition here

    16 Jul | 06
    • in Computers • 
    • by FozzTexx

    Well I finally broke down and did it. I bought a tuner card to use with MythTV. Not just any tuner card, an HDTV tuner card. Why? Because I found out the local PBS station has two more channels that are being broadcast in digital! Yes, that's right, I wanted to receive more PBS! After a bit of research to make sure that the extra channels were really being broadcast and not just available over cable/satellite, I went searching for a tuner card. Not an easy task, all the online stores...

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