• Dog Entertainer

    30 Nov | 05
    • in Woodworking • 
    • by FozzTexx

    I whipped this up last night. Probably didn't take more than an hour, it's really simple. I based it on some plans I found on the internet. Instead of putting in the strips to hold the plastic I just cut a groove in the sides. Much simpler. The window is dark because it's the only piece of plastic I had around. The plastic actually came from one of those little plastic file sorter bins that you stack on your desk. The groove made by the regular blade in my table saw was exactly the...

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  • Skee Ball display

    22 Nov | 05
    • in Coin-op • 
    • by FozzTexx

    Just picked up a 13 foot Skee Ball machine. Price was right, it was local, I've got room, couldn't resist. :-) The previous owners had unloaded it on me because they were unable to repair it. Plugged it in and didn't get anything on the score board, but it made noise and I could coin it up and manually flip the ball switches and get a reaction. Found the wire for the display was plugged in the wrong way. Turning it the right way got all the segments to light up, but nothing would...

    26 comments  |  read more
  • Woo! Kernel dump!

    20 Nov | 05
    • in Computers • 
    • by FozzTexx

    Found a copy of ClusterKnoppix that appeared to have the same kernel version of the copy of CHAOS I have. Fired it up and was able to get the CHAOS computers to join by giving them the j2 option. Also got that one with the dead PS repaired and so now I have 4 computers in my cluster. Figured a good test would be a linux compile so I started one up. One by one as the load went out to the other computers, they kernel dumped! Woo! Wait, that's not a good thing. I think I can get one of them to...

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  • First cluster try

    19 Nov | 05
    • in Computers • 
    • by FozzTexx

    I went around and counted up all the PCs I had sitting around that are complete but aren't powered on. There's no less than 14 of them. I also have a couple of motherboards and cases and could probably build 2 more Pentium class, and maybe even a couple of 486s. Cleared my entire table off and gathered up 5 computers and downloaded CHAOS and BCCD isos and burned them. CHAOS wouldn't boot on 2. BCCD wouldn't let me "runinram" and I didn't want to burn a second...

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  • OpenMosix on heterogeneous junk?

    17 Nov | 05
    • in Computers • 
    • by FozzTexx

    For the last few weeks the spam load on one of my servers has gotten way way out of hand. The computer is averaging a load of 4-7 constantly. The number of sendmail processes that are running just drag the machine to a crawl. Over a year ago or more I changed sendmail around so that it has 4 queues and installed re-mqueue from Paul Pomes. This helped dramatically . Stuff that was sticking in the queue and dragging everything else down now gets automatically moved to queues that run far less...

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