• Retaking my mailbox

    07 Jan | 08
    • in Computers • 
    • by FozzTexx

    I've had the same email address for well over 12 years. It's probably on every single spammer's list that's out there. I've been getting over 500 spams a day for a long time and I've had to resort to sorting spam out into another folder because my inbox was constantly alerting me about new mail. Of course, sorting spam into another mailbox doesn't work . All you end up with is a huge mailbox so clogged with junk you'll never find a message that was falsely...

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  • Making Dowels

    10 Dec | 07
    • in Woodworking • 
    • by FozzTexx

    In the past I've made dowels with my router by using a round over bit and square stock and making 4 (or more) passes with the stock which ends up with a pretty nice dowel. The limitation was I could only make dowel sizes that I had a matching round over bit for. After a bit of searching to see if there was a way to make dowels without a lathe, I discovered this site . It looked simple enough so I decided to give it a try. The first few attempts weren't pretty, but I quickly got...

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  • Warm Floors Cubed

    06 Dec | 07
    • in Misc • 
    • by FozzTexx

    I've had a Rubik's cube floating around the office at Warm Floors since almost as long as I've worked there. It was given to me by the owner of the company after he picked it up at some computer show. It's a fairly standard cube except that it is covered in Microsoft ads. It's slightly harder to solve than a standard cube because you have to make sure the center tile is rotated the right way. The poor cube got trashed because the other people in the office got tired of me...

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  • I hate Tetris

    17 Nov | 07
    • in Misc • 
    • by FozzTexx

    Today I ran out and got myself a tiny little chest freezer. It was the smallest one that Sears carries. I've been considering getting one for probably 5 years or so, and I finally did it. I was originally thinking I would put it in the garage, but it's so small it fits real nice right next to the washing machine. Very convenient since it's right off the kitchen. Why today? Because when I went grocery shopping today at SaveMart, they were giving away free frozen turkeys to anyone...

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  • Pizza Protector

    16 Oct | 07
    • in Woodworking • 
    • by FozzTexx

    I made this shield to protect the crust of my pizza from drying out too much while cooking. In the past I've used aluminum foil to protect the crust, but it's a lot of work to prep the pizza, and it tends to stick to the cheese and I end up with aluminum bits or else tearing off big chunks of the pizza. For a few years I was able to do without shielding since the Freschetta 8" pizzas didn't cook for as long. Unfortunately Freshetta discontinued their 8" pizzas, and...

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